
Lyme disease is an infection that is caused by a spirochete (a type of microorganism) called Borrelia burgdorferi, and more rarely by Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted to humans by the bite of a deer tick.

The disease has a strong geographical incidence, being highly concentrated in the Northeastern United States and also in Minnesota and Wisconsin.  However, the tick's habitat has been spreading rapidly, and it is always a good idea to be cautious and consult medical help if you think...

A common question asked during the eye exam is, “When is the puff coming?”  

Patients are referring to air-puff or non-contact tonometry. Tonometry is the procedure used to measure eye pressure, and this is important for diagnosing and monitoring glaucoma.

In non-contact tonometry, a puff of air is used to measure the pressure inside the eye.  The benefit of this test is there is no actual contact with the eye, but the air puff is sometimes very startling for patients. Some people hate...

We sometimes get asked, "Why do I need an eye exam when I can see great?"

An eye exam doesn't just check your visual acuity--we are also looking for a number of treatable eye diseases that have few or no visual symptoms in their early stages. In fact, the three leading causes of legal blindness in the United States all start with almost no visual symptoms detectable by the person wit the disease. The three diseases are macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Each of...

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